Keep Chopping Wood

Keep chopping wood. You’ve probably heard of the phrase. If not, here’s the analogy: when taking a swing at a tree with an axe, a small divot is created. It may look insignificant, but with that divot you made a step toward your end game — knocking the tree to the ground. It takes many swings to see any progress, let alone to finish the job. But if you want the tree to fall you have to keep swinging; if you stop due to frustration or “lack of progress,” you’ll never complete what you set out to do.

Similarity, life is handled the same way — in the weight room, at work, and elsewhere. In order to complete a goal or accomplish a dream, small steps toward the desired outcome must be taken. If you want to succeed with the goal or dream, you must keep taking steps forward. It may not look like you’re getting anywhere, especially at first, but you are making progress. Each step gets you closer to the finish line. But if you stop short due to impatience or the feeling of defeat, you’ll never complete your goal or dream.

So #dowork and keep chopping wood!

Jason Harle