Farmer Gym Unloaded is an 8-week conditioning program designed to enhance one’s overall fitness. Through structured training consisting of weight-bearing, body-weight, and running-based exercises, the program challenges the whole body. The book anticipates that you will work out 4 days a week, perform a steady-state run 1 day a week, and rest 2 days each week. You will proceed through Farmer Gym Unloaded day by day, just as you would a daily calendar. In order to use the book, you must have access to a pair of Dumbbells, a Kettlebell, a Pull-up Bar, and have the willingness to do work.

Sample Workout:
Week 2, Day 1:

(3 Rounds)
Perform as many Pull-ups as possible in 2 minutes. There is a 15 Kettlebell Swing penalty every time you come off the bar. After the 2 minutes, you have up to 6 minutes to Run 800 meters. Once the 800-meter Run is complete, rest the remainder of the 6 minutes. (If running 800 meters takes too much time – more than 6 minutes – Run 400 meters instead.)

For example: Jane performs 7 Pull-ups, then comes off the bar for a brief rest. Before Jane can execute more Pull-ups, she must perform 15 Kettlebell Swings. And so on and so forth, until the 2 minutes are up. Upon Pull-up—Kettlebell Swing completion, Jane Runs 800 meters. She finishes the Run in 4:30; therefore, she has a 1:30 rest. After the 6 minutes, she begins Round 2.

*Scale: Inverted Rows; Double Dumbbell Rows

Suggested male Kettlebell weight: 35-70#/Other#
Suggested female Kettlebell weight: 15-45#/Other#

If you scale with Double Dumbbell Rows, it is suggested that you use a weight that can be performed for no more than 15-20 reps in a row.

Pull-ups Completed:
(Scaled Completed):
Kettlebell Weight:
(Scaled Weight): 
