More Pull-ups

Question: I can string together 8 pull-ups, but I want to do more. How can I improve my total?

Answer: practice pull-ups! Beyond that, you can: (1) lose weight. The less you weigh, the easier it is to lift your body into the air -- you'll have less weight to pull up. (2) Increase the strength of your pulling muscles. If you were to practice weighted pull-ups, for example, you would see a significant increase in your lat strength, and this would help you.

Here's a 10-minute routine that I like. It will help string together more reps, and it can help with recovery!

10-minute -1 (since your rep-max is 8, you will work with 7; 8 -1 = 7, yeah, you get it) Pull-up EMOM. For example:
Minute 1: 7 Pull-ups, rest the remainder of the minute
Minute 2: 7 Pull-ups, rest the remainder of the minute
Minute 3: 7 Pull-ups, rest the remainder of the minute
...and so on and so forth, until you hit the 10-minute mark or until you can no longer perform 7 reps in a minute.

Once you can finish the 10 minutes with the allotted reps, increase the rep count and do it again. In this instance, you would now attack the above sequence with 8 reps. Once mastered, 9; and so on and so forth. *If* you're unable to get through two rounds of the EMOM, initially, start with a -2 or a -3 instead of a -1.

Good luck, and #dowork!

Jason Harle